5 Tips to Prevent Wrist Pain When Playing Guitar | How to Avoid Wrist Hurts While Strumming the Strings

Wrist Hurts When Playing Guitar

Experiencing wrist pain when playing guitar? Learn about common causes and treatment options for this common issue.

Hey there, fellow guitarists! Today, I want to talk about a common issue that many of us face - wrist pain while playing the guitar. It's a frustrating problem that can hinder our ability to play and even lead to long-term injuries. But fear not, because there are ways to alleviate the pain and prevent further damage. So, let's dive into some tips and tricks that can help you avoid wrist discomfort and keep shredding like Guthrie Govan himself!


Greetings my fellow guitar enthusiasts, it is I, Guthrie Govan. Today we shall discuss a common problem that plagues many guitar players - wrist pain.


The Anatomy of Wrist Pain

Before we dive into the solutions, we must first understand the root cause of wrist pain while playing guitar. The wrist is comprised of eight small bones, and when they are not aligned properly, it can result in discomfort and pain. Additionally, the tendons and muscles surrounding the wrist can become strained from repetitive motions such as playing guitar.


Proper Posture

The first step in preventing wrist pain is proper posture. Make sure your guitar is positioned correctly, with the neck pointing slightly upwards. Ensure that your wrist is not bent too much, as this can cause strain. Keep your elbow at a 90-degree angle and maintain a relaxed grip on the neck of the guitar.


Warm-Up Exercises

Just like any other physical activity, warming up is crucial for preventing injury. Before playing, take a few minutes to stretch and do some wrist exercises. Rotate your wrists clockwise and counterclockwise, and make small circles with your hands.


The Correct Technique

Many guitar players unknowingly use improper technique, which can lead to wrist pain. When fretting notes, use the tips of your fingers instead of pressing down with the flat part of your finger. Keep your thumb on the back of the neck and avoid using it to press down on the strings. This will help alleviate pressure on the wrist.


Take Breaks

Playing for extended periods without taking a break can cause strain and lead to pain. Take frequent breaks to rest your hands and stretch your wrists. Even just a few minutes every hour can make a big difference.


Invest in Quality Gear

Poor quality gear can exacerbate wrist pain. Make sure your guitar is properly set up and has comfortable action. Additionally, investing in a strap that distributes the weight of the guitar evenly can reduce strain on the wrist.


Consult a Professional

If your wrist pain persists even after implementing these solutions, it may be time to consult a professional. A physical therapist or chiropractor can help diagnose the issue and provide exercises and stretches specific to your needs.



Wrist pain while playing guitar is a common issue, but with proper technique, posture, and warm-up exercises, it can be prevented. Taking breaks, investing in quality gear, and consulting a professional can also help alleviate pain. Remember to take care of your hands, as they are your most important tool as a guitar player.


Alright guys, let's talk about a common problem that all guitar players have faced at some point in their musical journey. I'm talking about wrist pain, which can be a real downer when you're trying to shred on your six-string. In this article, we'll explore the potential reasons why your wrist may be hurting while playing guitar and some tips to prevent or alleviate the pain. So, strap on your guitars, and let's get started!

Posture and technique

First and foremost, improper posture and playing technique can cause wrist pain. If you're slouching or bending your wrist to reach the frets, then you're putting unnecessary stress on your wrist joints. To prevent any long-term injuries, it's crucial to adopt proper posture and playing techniques.

Repetitive strain injury

Playing guitar involves repetitive finger movements, which can potentially lead to repetitive strain injuries. This type of injury happens when you use the same motion repeatedly, causing inflammation and swelling in the wrist tendons. To avoid this, it's essential to take regular breaks during your playing sessions and stretch your wrists.

Guitar setup

Another contributing factor to wrist pain could be the guitar setup. A guitar with high action or too much tension on the strings can cause you to press harder, leading to wrist pain. Additionally, a heavy guitar might put undue pressure on your wrist, making it hurt more. Make sure you choose a guitar that suits your body type and playing style.

Lack of muscle strength and flexibility

Playing guitar requires a lot of muscle strength and flexibility, especially in your wrist. If your wrist muscles are not strong enough, you may find yourself experiencing pain or soreness. On the other hand, too much tension or overstretching can also cause pain. To prevent this, it's essential to do wrist-strengthening exercises and stretches regularly.

Improper warm-up

Not warming up adequately before playing guitar can also lead to wrist pain. A proper warm-up involves stretching your wrist muscles and doing some exercises to loosen them up before you start playing. This will increase blood flow to your wrist, reducing the risk of injury.

Rest and recovery

One of the most overlooked aspects of playing guitar is rest and recovery. Whether you're a beginner or a seasoned player, you need to give your wrist enough time to rest and recuperate. Overplaying or playing for extended periods without rest can cause severe pain. Take regular breaks during your playing sessions and avoid overplaying.

Medical conditions

In some cases, wrist pain can be due to medical conditions such as arthritis, tendinitis, or carpal tunnel syndrome. These conditions require medical attention, and you should consult your doctor or a specialist to receive proper treatment. Don't ignore persistent wrist pain or discomfort.

Poor diet and hydration

Believe it or not, your diet and hydration can affect your wrist's health too. Dehydration can cause your muscles and joints to become stiff, while poor diet lacking essential nutrients can prevent the muscles from repairing themselves. Make sure you stay hydrated and eat a well-balanced diet.

Stress and tension

Stress and tension can affect your body in many ways, one of which is wrist pain. If you're feeling stressed or anxious, it can cause muscle tension, making your wrist hurt more. Try to manage your stress levels through meditation, exercise, or other relaxation techniques.

Playing the wrong guitar

Last but not least, playing the wrong guitar can cause wrist pain. Each guitar has its own feel and weight, and you should choose one that suits your playing style and wrist strength. Playing an instrument that's too big or small can cause unnecessary strain on your wrist. Make sure you try out different guitars before making a purchase.Alright, there you have it, folks. These are some of the common reasons why your wrist may hurt while playing guitar. Remember, prevention is better than cure, so take care of your wrist and happy playing!

Guthrie Govan's point of view about wrist pain when playing guitar is quite interesting. Being one of the most accomplished guitarists in the world, he understands the importance of proper technique and form to avoid such issues.

Here's a story about a guitar player who experienced wrist pain while playing:

  1. John had been playing guitar for a few years and had recently joined a band.
  2. He was excited to play gigs and write music with his bandmates.
  3. However, after a few rehearsals, he noticed that his wrist started to hurt when playing certain chords or using certain techniques.
  4. He ignored the pain at first, thinking it would go away on its own.
  5. But it only got worse, and he had trouble playing for extended periods.
  6. John decided to see a doctor, who diagnosed him with carpal tunnel syndrome.
  7. He was told to rest his wrist and avoid playing guitar for a while.
  8. John was devastated and worried that he might not be able to play again.

Guthrie Govan's voice and tone when discussing this issue would be one of concern and caution. He would advise guitar players to take care of their wrists and practice proper technique to avoid injuries like carpal tunnel syndrome. Here are some tips he would give:

  • Make sure you're sitting in a comfortable position with your guitar properly aligned.
  • Warm up before playing and stretch your arms and wrists.
  • Take breaks frequently to rest your hands and fingers.
  • Use proper technique and don't put too much strain on your wrists.
  • If you experience pain, stop playing and rest your wrist.
  • See a doctor if the pain persists or gets worse.

Guthrie Govan understands the importance of taking care of your body as a musician. Playing guitar can be physically demanding, and it's essential to practice proper technique and form to avoid injuries like wrist pain. As he would say, Don't let a preventable injury stop you from playing the music you love.

Well folks, that's all from me on the topic of wrist pain when playing guitar. I hope you found this article helpful and informative. Remember, taking care of your body is just as important as practicing your instrument.

If you're experiencing pain or discomfort in your wrist, don't ignore it. Take a break and give your body time to heal. Stretching and warming up before playing can also help prevent injury. And if the pain persists, consider seeking medical advice.

As guitarists, we want to be able to play for hours on end without interruption. But pushing through the pain is never the answer. So take care of yourself, practice smart, and keep making beautiful music. Until next time, rock on!

People Also Ask About Wrist Hurts When Playing Guitar:

  • Why does my wrist hurt when I play guitar?

  • Well, there could be a number of reasons for this. It could be due to poor technique, bad posture, or even an underlying medical condition. It's important to take breaks and stretch regularly to avoid any unnecessary strain on your wrist.

  • How can I prevent wrist pain when playing guitar?

  • One of the best ways to prevent wrist pain is to make sure that you are practicing good technique and maintaining proper posture while playing. Additionally, taking frequent breaks and doing wrist stretches before and after playing can help alleviate any discomfort.

  • Can playing guitar cause carpal tunnel syndrome?

  • While it is rare, prolonged and repetitive use of the wrist while playing guitar can lead to carpal tunnel syndrome. It's important to be aware of the symptoms and to seek medical attention if you suspect that you may have this condition.

  • Should I stop playing guitar if my wrist hurts?

  • If you are experiencing significant pain in your wrist while playing guitar, it's important to take a break and allow your wrist to rest and heal. You may also want to consult a medical professional to determine the cause of your pain and to receive appropriate treatment.

5 Tips to Prevent Wrist Pain When Playing Guitar | How to Avoid Wrist Hurts While Strumming the Strings. There are any 5 Tips to Prevent Wrist Pain When Playing Guitar | How to Avoid Wrist Hurts While Strumming the Strings in here.
